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Thursday, December 1, 2016


Do You Want To Give But Do Not Want To Waste Money This Christmas?

10 Ways To Save Money Without Being A Kill-Joy This Christmas.

Tired Of Starting The New Year With A Pile Of Debt?
Christmas isn't a retail festival – we need to end duty bound, indebted, enslaved, forced, required for giving and consider more about what we're giving, to whom and why.

  1. Children don't appraise your gift based on price – they often seem more excited playing with the gift wrap or the attractive box. So do not spend out big bucks needlessly.
  2. Save on wrapping- Buy brown paper and colored string to wrap your gifts rather than shelling out for costly Christmas wrapping, then you can use any left over the whole year. If you have kids, get them involved and use their paintings or drawings as wrapping paper.
  3. If you have stuffs around the house you've been meaning to get rid of and sell, Christmas is the perfect time. Look around your home and see what you could on-sell. It could be furniture, clothes, or old fancy jewelery.List the names who you need to buy gifts for.
  4. Decide the budget, figure out who gets what. Make a list of everyone you’ll buy for this year. Next to each name write an exact amount
5. Analyze using a cash budget instead of just vague numbers in your head. This way
you can track down if you are over spending,.

6. If you cannot afford the item, then you cant afford the item..Period.
You do not want to rub Peter to pay Paul just to get the item. Focus the amount you will spend not what
you will buy.

7. Be Careful With Mall tricks. Holiday sales can be an epic opportunity to save.
Not all deals are created equal and some may not be genuinely discounted as
many stores keep the price the same but simply place a sign that says “SALE”

8. Compare shops before you purchase and item during a sale. If you make a
reckless purchase the yuletide air of the store will  surely make you a casualty of

9. Try shopping online, saves you time and money plus no hassle and stress.
You can catch great bargain and you may even get coupon codes to get worth to
your cash

10. Just like Santa, make a list and check things “twice.”
Shopping on impulse is so dangerous. Shopping malls hire creative advertisers
and agents and pay out fortune on aiming your spending carelessness.

Your list is your magic to help you beat the lure.
Hey I know this..right? somebody hired me to write an attractive copyright to
lure shoppers to forget about their shopping list.

Overspending is not love.

It is crucial to remind ourselves that Christmas may come only once
every year, but it will come again next year and another year and so
on, so there is no reason for overspending and getting yourself into
arrears you’ll only have to pay back come January. January is already
shaded and dispiriting enough.
We may want to be spending our money on health clubs, spa and
healthy nutritious food. Not credit card bills. Christmas should be
about concentrating with people who mean the utmost to us, and
rejoicing together; it really doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough money.

From Me And My family
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

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