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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Someone Corrected My English And Writes; YOUR AN IDIOT!

What is irony?
Someone corrected my English and writes
"Your an idiot"

Last night I made a blunder.
I commented on a post in Facebook not wearing glasses and a little tipsy with the glass of brandy.
I hit the post button oblivious of the errors and unchecked grammar. Then suddenly someone antagonistically made a public correction.
The comment goes like this (Originally written in Tagalog)

Sir for me to be able to believe you....You must first correct your English...then the laughter written “Bwah ha ha ha.”
There for everyone to see.

People who value good grammar don't mind being corrected and are often thankful. I should be, right? But something is not quite right.
Polite, secure people do not correct other people’s grammar in public. Let alone in social media.

I asked myself; Why my pride won't allow the fixing that could improve my writing.
I am well aware of-course that poor grammar can affect how people view your level of proficiency and competence.

Then I realize I just encountered a jerk..It is not about correcting.

I would say that most of us just see it like spinach in someone's teeth: be a friend, cover, and in a hush tone “You've got something in your teeth." Then go back to your discussion, having saved them mass humiliation. The intention is to save them the shame, not throw a spotlight on their lapses publicly.

I know who my real friends are in this way. My friends sends message on my in-box when I [make an error].
My antagonist put it in the comments section.

Wait... just let me analyze what just happened.
Position farther back.

When a Grammar Bully corrects your grammar (especially not on my friends list online), you can conclude that you are not the originator of his animosity. Your word usage provoked the spark of that indifference.

The Grammar Bully is in need of affiliation, so publicly correcting you; sends the homing beacon out to other Grammar Bullies.
Grammar Bully is using a loud speaker to announce to another grammar bully with whom he can connect over who agrees to hate the clown who they can ridicule in public.

Many spectator may think the Grammar Bully is exactly criticizing others, but really, the Grammar Bully is just looking to find other Grammar Bullies because Probably he is angry or stressed.
And alone.

Acrimony can be inner most in thought and always it is. We are disheartened from asserting hatred particularly with cordial people, so we stamp out.
Sadly, annoyance is one of those concern that pops up to the in the open. Grammar-fixing manner is one of restrained anger’s avenue.

So what do we do with a Grammar Bully?

When people, especially publicly, correct others’ mistakes, a lot of that has to do with signaling to other people,”
People are trying to signal their expertise, because being able to identify mistakes indicates that you know more about something than the person who committed the error.”
says Robert Kurzban, a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania whose work focuses on the nature of evolved cognitive adaptations for social life.

I can’t say I’m always successful at maintaining my composure, especially when others publicly correct my mistakes. But hey!
Life is too short.
Just error free your text. Now that you know the Grammar Bully’s leading argument is deep-rooted and habitual anger and not about you, you can just relax and make the change.

Appreciate, apologize if you must, then leave.
Life is too short to argue with people like this, It is not about you. It is about their traits.
Grammar Police will do the exactly the same thing to anyone, because it is their habit and you just happen to be a near target.
Take no offense.

Because casual Facebook conversations do not require accurate grammar, just so long as the point is being made. If you understood the context of what they where saying, then the communication has been made.

(Credits to the owner of the photo. I do not own copyright to the picture used in this content-No copyright infringement intended)

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