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Sunday, April 16, 2017

How To Stop Panic Attack In 10 Minutes Without Drugs

Research by Noli Cerrillo 

Carl experienced his first panic attack while he was at work.
One day he was going through his normal routine, when from out of the blue, his heart starts to pound and can hardly breath.

The episode lasted only for 15 minutes but left him trembling and very scared.

Carl blame the sign as physical illness, like a mild stroke or a heart attack and left office to look for a Doctor.
At the clinic, Carl was advised; there was nothing wrong with him.
Everything seems normal except for the slight rise in his blood pressure.
But of-course, Carl was scared.
Panic disorder is commonly brought about by mix factors
It is observed that everyone with panic disorder experienced an initial panic attack that seem to occur for no obvious reason.

(Reference; Anxiety, Phobias, & Panic)

What Happened To Carl?

People with panic disorder usually have deeply responsive bodies that behave strongly to physical charge such as loud sounds, scent, drugs and body heat.
These are people with overly sensitive senses.

To explain simply. Imagine a house where the electrical wires are faulty.
The electricity works fine as long as 1 or 2 appliances are plugged in.
When more appliances are running all at the same time, the system overloads causing the circuit breaker to trip.

Very much alike to a person with sensitive body to experience an excessive “fight or flight response.” when overloaded with mental, physical or emotional stress.

The great news is that once a person learn how to be in control and decrease the manifestations of tensions, this feeling will gradually return to the calm it was before the build up of panic disorder.

(Reference; Reneau Z. Peurifoy M.A., M.F.T.)

How We Can Cure Panic Attack Fast

1). Ice cubes.
This method can aid to alter your thought away from a panic attack, particularly if you are in a severe attack. Take out an ice cube and place it in your hand for as long as you can.

2). Count from 100 to 1 backwards
Intentionally jump of 3. For example 100, 97, 94, 91.....and so on.
Up to 1
This way, you push your brain to work in coercion. This will surely
dilute the panic response.

3). Write Down What You Are Experiencing

keep a journal in which you can jot down details explaining what you
are feeling. 
Describe what you are experiencing, what are you afraid of.
What do you think about what scares you.

This will help you to divert your focus, your thoughts, and reviewing
over your entry or remembering can help you better handle your

Do not judge yourself. Things are neither “good” or “bad”.

    4) Stop Panic Attack By Playing The Role Of “Normal”
    Think about as if nothing is happening. In no time the panic will get
    turned off or will get bored, realize that its a false alarm. Then it will
    Your panic only feeds on your fear. Never feed it with fearful thoughts
    then it dies quickly.

5) Diaphragmatic Breathing

It will help your body calm down, which lessens the severity of
panic attacks. (Slow breathing from your diaphragm)

(References; Psyche Central, Qoura)

Action Speak Louder Than Words.

We may talk about more ways how to cure panic attacks, the list are endless. Everything is good for nothing though, if you do not take actions.

Observing and understanding that; The truth is, You are always in control of whether or not you panic, it is crucial to always keep in mind; You aren’t crazy. You are not defective. You are just stressed and need to desensitize yourself and re-train yourself to remain calm. It is entirely doable.

I had awful and dreadful panic attacks and now haven’t had one for years.